Sony Mix cashes on another music property 'Tippani'

MUMBAI: Sony Mix is steadily climbing on the Target Rating Point (TRP) charts, by taking the unconventional route with short format properties.
Earlier, Mix experimented with several short format shows like ‘Sentimeter’, ‘Mix Voices’ and ‘Mix Solos’ amongst others. Expanding the strategy further, the channel is now set to launch a new property titled ‘Tippani’ on 15 September.
Hosted by RJ Mantra, the short programming format will feature trivia or pieces of information about music. Weaving song anecdotes with life situations ranging from mood connect with songs, the theme will be positioned between the playlist as a surprise element and sprinkled throughout the day.
Speaking about the initiative with, Sony Mix VP and programming head Alleyah Asgghar says, “We are trying to create a draw for the young by picking out real life situations and narrating them with the reference of various tracks that go with it. Though we will not venture into the retro space with this initiative, songs like ‘Pehla Nasha’ which people can relate to will feature on the show along with new releases. We are currently looking at its presence for this financial year as of now and based on the response we garner, we will decide if we want to go ahead with it.”
When the channel launched, it was focused on following a mood driven strategy and being musical without compromising on the era or genre of any song. In a short span of around 11 months, Mix has managed to keep itself away from the herd by not restricting itself to songs of a particular genre or era.
“We felt that music is evergreen and we can’t put a limitation to it so we brought back songs from the 60s for our shows. There is something for everybody at different hours. We are trying to grow in different areas of music by building areas where it is delivered differently,” Asgghar claims.
With a lot of initiatives up their sleeves, Mix is also aiming to launch the second edition of the show ‘Yun Bana Ye Song’ by engaging several bigwigs from the music fraternity.
Sony Mix EVP & business head Neeraj Vyas adds, “This is yet another initiative to do things differently. We are committed to staying true to music and aim to keep that musicality alive. We will market the initiative on our sister channels from Sony’s stable and focus more on markets across the north as well. We feel that about 70-80 per cent of the content on most music channels is the same. So if you don’t package your content differently there will be no mass appeal, thus we ventured into the short format theme which is working well for us.”