| 09 Feb 2025
IPRS announces emergency relief package for its members

MUMBAI: The creative community has been hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis. Creators whose earnings arise from individual projects, have been left reeling from this unprecedented crisis which has now been compounded by an equally unprecedented lock down aimed at keeping all Indian citizens indoors and safe. The lockdown has a significant human cost in terms of lost earnings and the consequent inability of many creative community members to sustain themselves and their families during the next three weeks.

The Indian Performing Right Society Ltd (“IPRS") is mindful of the stark concerns faced by its author and music composer members and as a responsible copyright society mandated by the Government of India is determined to do its bit to help its members across the country.  

Accordingly, IPRS has declared an Emergency Relief Package to support its members, who are facing significant financial pressure during the Corona pandemic. The money will be paid to around 3150 author and music composer members across various geographies, to meet their basic needs for the next three weeks as we battle the virus. 

Javed Akhtar, Chairman of the IPRS “It is our duty to support the call made by our Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi for society to support each other through this 21-day lock down period. IPRS is what it is because of all its members. In these challenging and trying times, IPRS as a custodian of its creator members, stands shoulder to shoulder with all its members. This payment by IPRS is our contribution for the time being to help our creator members tide over this period of the 21-day lock down to be able to purchase basic necessities”.

Mr. Rakesh Nigam, CEO of the IPRS said,  “It is in times like these that bodies like IPRS can provide much needed help and succor to its members. I am glad that we can contribute in this fashion to our members. I want to convey our Chairman Javed Saab’s message to all our members, that IPRS is there for them in this time of crisis.”

IPRS will be reaching out to its members to facilitate disbursement of the relief amounts on an immediate basis.