| 27 Jul 2024
Former All India Radio employee convicted of bribery

MUMBAI: Taking a bribe has cost S.K. Pandey, who was assistant Station Engineer at All India Radio, his job. It has also brought him three years rigorous imprisonment with a fine of Rs. 10,000. The decision was given by the Special Judge for CBI Cases at Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh).

Pandey has been convicted under Prevention of Corruption Act 1988 in a bribery case. The case was registered by CBI (Central Bureau of Investigation) on May 2008 and the charge sheet was filed in the Court of Special Judge for CBI Cases on December 2008. It stated that Pandey demanded an illegal gratification of Rs. 50,000 from a Bhopal based complainant for passing his bills of Rs 1, 76,059.

The statement by CBI noted that even after negotiation, the accused demanded Rs 5,000 as partial bribe amount to release one of the pending bills.

CBI laid a trap to catch Pandey red handed on 2008 while demanding and accepting partial bribe amount of Rs 5,000 from the complainant. After CBI proved all the allegations, the Trial Court convicted Pandey.

In February, former Doordarshan director Prabhu Jhingranwith was sentenced for three years jail term in connection with a bribery case. The court also imposed a fine of Rs 1, 10,000 on the convict.