| 02 May 2024
Radio City launches 20 city specific station tunes

MUMBAI: Radio City has launched a new campaign "Rag Rag Mein Daude City" with 20 different city-specific station tunes.

The campaign looks at creating a bond with its listeners, invoking the feeling of City Pride that connects seamlessly with Radio City. With this new campaign, the brand focuses on being identified with local culture, sights and sounds, in inimitable Radio City style. “Rag Rag Mein Mumbai City” symbolises the passion a Mumbaikar feels for the Mumbai Indians,“Madhi Madhi lo Hyderabad City” brings out the pride a Hyderabadi feels for his Biryani just as “Rag Rag Ma Ahmedabad City” signifies the connect an Amdavadi has with his or her Garba-Raas, says an official release.

The campaign too is completely local entailing flash mobs, viral marketing, branded merchandise and integrated branding associations on and off-air. The brand intends to explore various on-ground, digital and traditional communications across ATL and BTL mediums in order to build recall and salience. The anthem launched across 20 cities, voiced by Punjab di Jaan and National Award winner Sukhwinder Singh, Gujarati singing sensation Keerthi Sagathia and South Indian superstar Karthik, conveys the thought process and pulse behind a differentiated yet passionately unified campaign.

According to Radio City CEO Abraham Thomas, “City is not just in our name, it runs through our veins and that is the thought behind this campaign. The passion a person feels for his city and the pride associated with the spirit of the city is something that runs deep through the DNA of Radio City. Radio City is not just 1 national brand but 39 (soon-to-be) local brands, and to capture this ideology we launched Rag Rag Mein Daude City, yet another pioneering initiative.”