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Press Release |  13 Mar 2008 00:00 |  By RnMTeam

Dr. Aloma Lobo is Indigo Woman of the year

MUMBAI: Bangalorean Dr. Aloma Lobo, a Social activist and co-author of The Penguin Guide to Adoption in India has been chosen as the ?‹?“Indigo Woman of The Year 2008. Radio Indigo instituted the award to accord a woman who has made a tremendous amount of difference to many lives.

This years winner is a true forerunner of the ideal. Dr. Lobo is currently the Chairperson of the Voluntary coordinating Agency who has made significant efforts in creating awareness about adoption of children. With a concern for special needy children, Dr. Lobo has been working with a Supreme Court Mandated Organization that facilitates adoption of Indian children by Indian parents.

Running for the 2nd year, Indigo Woman of the year award has seen a line of accomplished women contending for the honour. This years nominees were:

1 Christina Daniels - Author of Ginger, Soda, Lemon, Pop

2 Vijaya Verma ?“ Technologist & Entrepreneur

3 Karuna Jain - Cricketer

4 Pallavi Dudeja Folley ?“ Internationally acclaimed accessory & Jewellery designer.
