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Paytm Insider collaborates with Bhasha Centre and presents a series of engaging plays by ‘Aagaz Theatre Trust’ and ‘Third Space Collective’

MUMBAI: Theatre groups in India, barring the established few, rarely have the ability or resources to travel with their plays or even do more than a handful of shows in their own cities. Weeks and months of rehearsal, designing and planning seem to be used for just a weekend of shows in one space. For the makers, it sometimes feels not worth it, and for the audience, if you blink you miss it! Not anymore. If you enjoy theatre as an artist, audience or professional, there’s good news for you! India’s leading live entertainment platform, Paytm Insider is partnering with Bhasha Centre and bringing impactful and thought-provoking plays by Aagaaz Theatre Trust and Third Space Collective from October to December. So people in Delhi and Mumbai, engaging stories featuring exceptional talent from the world of theatre are coming your way!

The line-up of shows that Paytm Insider is organising includes ‘Bhagi Hui Ladkiyan’ and ‘Rihla’ by Aagaaz Theatre Trust, and ‘Mahish’ by Third Space Collective.

‘Bhagi Hui Ladkiyan’ is directed by Dhwani Vij and the play is an articulation of the performers’ lives. The play revolves around four Muslim teenage girls from Delhi’s Nizamuddin Basti, and captures their everyday stories that explore ideas such as gender dynamics, identity, caste, consent, personal space and sexuality and invites the audience to walk with them. The performance sheds light on how these challenges affect their understanding of self and how the aspect of listening to stories of the self, affects the audience. The play highlights the contrast between the confining yet comfortable quality of the home space, and the liberating aspects of the outer world.

The piece uses objects, physical theatre, and cartography to execute a thought-provoking experience. The adventure begins with performances at Little Theatre Group (LTG) Auditorium, Delhi, on the 21st and 22nd of October and at BCP auditorium on November 18th and 19th. Tickets are priced at Rs 100 onwards and are available on Paytm Insider. The play will also travel to Mumbai for shows at Harkat Studios, from Nov 25 - 27.
