MUMBAI: Pentagram frontman, Vishal Dadlani, for the eighth time, has stepped into the boots of a judge. The Bollywood singer/composer, along with Devraj Sanyal, Monica Dogra and Ehsaan Noorani, is part of the judging panel for India's first English singing reality talent show- ‘The Stage’. The show will be aired on ‘Colors Infinity’ on Saturday and Sunday at 9 pm, and the winner will get a record deal with Universal Music and a 10-city tour for a mentorship programmme.
When asked if he would be open to launching any of the singers under his label- VLT, Dadlani said, “It will be an honour to have these contestants launched under my label. Universal Music holds the first call on these artists because of the tie up, but I have already spoken to Devraj and the contestants about my label. The talent on the show is exceptional.”
Dadlani stated that it is high time that India had a global star of Indian origin. “I say that because India is now one sixth of the world’s population and the economy will also grow stronger and stronger as the years go by. This will led to an escalation of Indian influence in the world. If one sixth of the world is Indian, then artists who sing in any language should get the support they deserve,” explained Dadlani.
According to him, AR Rahman and Priyanka Chopra have played a vital role in putting India on the map of global stars.
Speaking more about the new reality show, the 'Bang Bang' hitmaker said the most difficult part about ‘The Stage’ was that eliminations were based on the opinions of the four people, as opposed to viewer or producer votes. The judges had to be very specific about each contestant's performance. He revealed that what he looks for in a performance is the way a singer narrates his or her story. “That is what music is all about. If you sing wholeheartedly, it will touch hearts, and that is the magic of music,” he added.
Apart from his Bollywood projects, Dadlani is also working on a soon to be released single.