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News |  05 Dec 2015 15:49 |  By RnMTeam

On biggest opening day, Mogwai gives a perfect start to the Weekender

MUMBAI: The first day of sixth year of NH7 Pune Weekender concluded with an announcement that was clearly visible and observable for the attendees – “Biggest turnout on Day 1 at the festival.” The announcement was received with some cheers, whereas the rest still tried to find their voices after Mogwai ended their second performance in the country. Roughly six hours before Mogwai enthralled every soul facing the Bacardi Arena, Welsh band from Pontypridd- Peasant’s King- opened their third set on Indian soil and Pune immediately understood why the band is making news for all the good reasons throughout the week. NH7 is truly an experience and the organisers, more often than not, manage to raise the bar even higher to ensure that fans have something new to talk about.

What has stayed constant throughout the years is how the NH7 team gets its slots right. The Clameens and Peasant’s King set the mood right on Day 1 at their respective stages, whereas ‘Perfect Timing’ took over the Breezer Camp when the bright blue sunny day made way for colder breeze during the duo’s set.

Dhruv Viswanath’s refreshingly motivating journey reached Pune with a promise. And the songwriter, signed by Vishal Dadlani for his label, did not fail to meet expectations. Dhruv picked up from where Baiju left, hence indicating once again the NH7 team’s great scheduling of slots.

On the Moto Spotlight Arena, Blakc returned to the Weekender with new tracks, without losing the energy that the Mumbai-based alternative outfit is known for. Blakc will continue to impress and entertain Punekars, on Day 2, on their city’s street with a free ‘entry’ for all.

On the other side of Laxmi Lawns, Dualist Inquiry closed the Breezer Beat Camp with a performance proving that Sahej Bakshi was worthy of that slot and opportunity. Dualist Inquiry’s growth as a musician is inspiring and Bakshi’s approach to showcase his musical talent remains unarguably effective.

Day 1 ended with the post-rock giants from Scotland Mogwai playing for the second time in seven days. Mogwai carries an essence and sound with them that forces listeners to close their eyes and travel to ‘somewhere nice’. What separates a good act from a great act is the manner of their engagement with their fans. Though the band did not interact much with fans, their fans did not complain. Mogwai connected, made an unforgettable impression and with a flawless flow of visual display, and made itself one of the best opening day headlining acts ever. The bar has been raised and with biggest opening day turnout and seven hours of brilliant music, leaving fans with great expectations for Day 2 that is sure to see bigger turnout and even happier experiences.

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