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News |  04 Apr 2016 16:07 |  By RnMTeam

Dossers' surge to glory continues with the success at Road to Converse Rubber Tracks 2.0

MUMBAI: Three days before David Kom and his brothers took a flight to Mumbai for the finals of Road to Converse Rubber Tracks 2.0, the frontman urged the musicians from the North­Eastern community to reach out more to the audiences and 'scenes' beyond the Seven Sister States. On Friday night, what Kom's band - Dossers Urge - achieved stands as a good example of everything the Shillong­based trio believed in. Dossers Urge won the ultimate prize of recording its originals at Brooklyn's Converse Rubber Tracks Studio, over the local favourites Unohu.

Dossers Urge, the last competing band of the night, took the blueFROG stage after the fellow competitors ensured the decision to choose 'one winner' would not be an easy task. BlueFROG Mumbai's stage is an ideal platform for a three­piece band, and Dossers Urge made the most of it. Three hours of electronic, and alternative, ambient and progressive rock music later, blueFROG craved for some pop­sy grooves and Dossers Urge delivered. First song into the set, and Mumbai realised why Dossers Urge could very well become the face of North­East's 'new age' music. The trio played its usual set, in more or less, the usual order and executed the individual responsibilities with extreme precision.

Dossers Urge's USP has been the simplicity towards its sound, and the band did not create anything unnecessary fancy for the occasion. The band knew its strength and displayed a consistent set that swayed between pop and punk for forty­five straight minutes. Gideon Kom - the drummer - had the toughest of the jobs, and quite frankly, pulled a flawless effort. With relatively more popular originals like 'Mother' and 'Karma', Dossers Urge forced the attendees to dance to the grooves, and the 300+ fans happily obliged.

Three years ago, David Kom and his brothers could not even dream about flying to New York to record their original art, and the frontman spent months requesting publications and agencies to listen to what Dossers Urge had to offer. Kom didn't give up, and neither had The F16s - winner of the last edition. Hours into the announcement, Dossers Urge received several congratulatory messages on social media, and the recognition and respect that was, perhaps, a little overdue.

David Kom seemed understandably overwhelmed, and when asked about the result, Kom said, “I still have not come to terms with it. For our first performance at the blueFROG Mumbai, and the visit has turned out to be so memorable. The people are amazing, the sound was flawless. Every act was good.”

The evolution of the The F16s' sound could act as a motivation for the Shillong­based Dossers Urge, and the recent success story also promises a lot of surprises and refreshing material from the three brothers who started playing music together in the local church.

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