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News |  25 Mar 2017 11:41 |  By RnMTeam

Navv Inder's musical tribute to Bhagat Singh

MUMBAI: Singer Navv Inder, best known for 'Wakhra Swag', has sung an ode to martyred revolutionary Bhagat Singh with his single 'Ik Soch: Bhagat Singh'. He hopes people relate to the song, and appreciate it.

Bhagat Singh, along with Rajguru and Sukhdev, was sent to the gallows by the British on 23 March 1931.

"I have read about Bhagat Singh extensively and what amazes me about the man is that at such a young age, he had such clear thoughts about life, society, nationalism and philosophy. His ideas are just so relevant even today, if only people were to adopt them," Inder said in a statement.

He added: "This was the idea behind this song, written by Navi Kamboz and produced by my music producer, Mr Nakulogic. We hope it will strike a chord with people."

Inder says they "have deliberately emphasised (on the use of) algozey, the traditional folk music instrument of Punjab to create a hollow and dark theme".

(Source: IANS)

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