MUMBAI: Renowned Bollywood and Sufi singer Kavita Seth will bring to India’s financial capital a musical evening - Anandotsav on 17 June 2017. The concert, a celebration of life is ‘Tum Hi Ho Bandhu’ singer’s dedication to her beloved mentor, friend and husband K.K. Seth on his birth anniversary.
This year Seth is attempting to make the evening a spiritual experience giving a Sufi touch to the poetries of Meera and Kabir. “In my opinion, the works of both of these timeless poets are truly Sufi in nature and I can't wait to share my compositions with the audience,” says the ‘Iktara’ singer.
Seth has also joined hands with Dharma Bharati Mission in aid of a Hunger Free India. “Each year I like to associate this special day that marks the birth anniversary of my mentor, guru, a friend Mr. K.K.Seth with a cause. Dharma Bharathi Mission does some phenomenal work for the society in aid of a Hunger-free India. It is my way of doing my bit for the society and what best than to join hands with someone who is so dedicated to the cause. All proceeds of Anandotsav will be donated to the cause,” explains Seth.
Since, Anandotsav is not any other concert but an important day in the singer’s life; she likes being involved in every aspect of the same. Seth takes care of everything right from the concept, creatives, backdrop and stage arrangement. “I like to put in my aesthetics to it. Having said that, an individual can certainly not make something so massive happen without the support of a team and I am thankful to have a few hands to execute everything I imagine,” adds the singer.
Anandotsav has been an ongoing property and Seth has plans of taking this one city concert to different cities. “I love dreaming and chasing them with all my dedication. So, maybe a multi-city Anandotsav in a few years,” states the artist with a distant look in her eyes.
Talking about her upcoming projects the singer says, “I have recently completed a very beautiful project - rendition of Amrita Pritam's precious poetry. I will soon share it with the world and I can hardly wait.”