MUMBAI: Kalki Koechlin, the slam poetess is ready to take the internet by storm in her second innings with Culture Machine’s digital channel ‘Blush’ as a part of the celebrated Unblushed series. ‘Noise’ featuring and penned by the talented actress Kalki Koechlin is a rap poetry which conjures up all the sounds an Indian ear has heard in a lifetime. ‘Noise’ releases on 21 June 2017 on the digital channel ‘Blush’.
Blush released a statement around the video, “How often do we get time to enjoy silence without interruption? Kalki speaks to a generation that is viscerally engulfed in what it's meant to hear or has no choice but to hear. Her powerful words are a silent plea for individuality to break its shackles of opinion enslavement. Team Blush is happy to create this beautiful rendition by Kalki, we have had an amazing experience of working together in the past. Truly hope this video reaches out to people who will listen and not just hear.”
Kalki spoke about the video, “Religious, political, and social noise has reached a peak today and it's hard to hear ourselves think or feel. We wanted to explore life brimming over with ‘Noise’ as an ode to silence. It's been great working with the Blush team again.”
The clutter and constant noise on the streets of traffic and honks, fish markets, o temples and mosques, clicks and claps, radio and playlists, the critiques and lauds. External sounds have started to blur out our inner voice which now ceases to exist. Amidst urgency and necessity to be heard, the desperation to hear, we forget to listen. It is time to revisit our own thoughts, to listen to the conviction of our own ideas, lend an ear to our silence and appreciate it.
Check the video here: