MUMBAI: Facebook did get lucky because it launched at a time when the smart phones were still not everyone’s cup of tea, but today with the technology boom we have smart phones taking over the millennials making way for newer apps. And while some of us are still trying to get used to Snapchat, a yet fresh app is making some noise. This one christened ‘VoxWeb’ first came to notice in 2016 with Priyanka Chopra using it during the People’s Choice Awards.
Well, the latest person to get onto the app is Bollywood singer-composer, Siddharth Mahadevan.
One of Siddharth’s voxie highlights included his selfie with composer Tanishk Bagchi. The creatives got together for ‘Munna Michael’s’ ‘Main Hoon’.
Talking about his selfie Siddharth states, “So this image was clicked when we were promoting our song 'Main Hoon' from Munna Micheal. And we had a blast recording it and promoting it."
Mahadevan and Bagchi worked on ‘Main Hoon’ together and here is what he has to say about the experience. “Recording the track was a cake walk as we got along like a house on fire,” said Mahadevan.
The ‘Nachde Ne Saare’ hit-maker credits the song's success to the great working equation he shares with Tanishk. In the voxie, Siddharth also expresses gratitude to his fans that have supported him in his journey so far and lapped up every song he's sung and promises to keep making better music.