MUMBAI: It was last evening when the news of Shashi Kapoor’s demise broke out. The actor who ruled the film industry with hits like Deewaar, Suhaag, Satyam Shivam Sundaram, Jab Jab Phool Khile, Kabhi Kabhie and many more will always be remembered for his charming looks, best acting and the Mere Paas Maa Hai dialogue from the 1975 film Deewaar.
The industry is mourning his loss. Many singers took to Twitter to express their sentiments.
Check the tweets below -
Lata Mangeshkar
Mujhe abhi pata chala ki guni Abhineta Shashi Kapoor ji ka aaj swargwas hua .Ye sunkar mujhe bahut dukh hua, wo ek bahut bhale insaan the. Meri unko vinamra shraddhanjali. — Lata Mangeshkar (@mangeshkarlata) December 4, 2017
Mika Singh
Extremely sad news that our most favourite, handsome & stylish actor #ShashiKapoor has passed away today. May God bless his soul, RIP. The entire Kapoor family are very good looking but he was most definitely the best looking. — King Mika Singh (@MikaSingh) December 4, 2017
Ehsaan Noorani
RIP #ShashiKapoor a gentleman and a visionary .... was lucky to have interacted with you during the shoot for Vijeyta ..... in our memories for ever !!! — Ehsaan Noorani (@EhsaanNoorani) December 4, 2017
Daler Mehndi
Saddened by the passing of veteran actor #ShashiKapoor ji. My heartfelt condolences to his family. May his soul rest in peace. — Daler Mehndi (@dalermehndi) December 4, 2017
Salim Merchant
Rest in peace #ShashiKapoor ji. You’re an inspiration & your contribution to cinema & theatre will remain in our hearts forever. Prayers & Condolences to the family. — salim merchant (@salim_merchant) December 4, 2017
Shankar Mahadevan
End of an era. Thanks for the magic of cinema! — Shankar Mahadevan (@Shankar_Live) December 4, 2017 End of an era. Thanks for the magic of cinema! — Shankar Mahadevan (@Shankar_Live) December 4, 2017
So many generations have grown up watching him as an icon of great style and charisma. #ShashiKapoor you'll always be missed. RIP Legend.
So many generations have grown up watching him as an icon of great style and charisma. #ShashiKapoor you'll always be missed. RIP Legend.
Vishal Dadlani
Truly sad. What a legend! #ShashiKapoor -saab is irreplaceable. He truly bridged the ground between the commercial & artistic sides of cinema. — VISHAL DADLANI (@VishalDadlani) December 4, 2017