MUMBAI: Sony Music, which is known for growing the hip-hop genre in India, has announced the release of their new single, Roots. The music label has collaborated with rapper Divine for the song.
Speaking about the song, Divine said, “Roots is my origin, my soul, the centre of everything I do.”
The track also features City Slums fame, Raja Kumari, who said, “Divine and I have co-written the lyrics and worked on this track together. The song is very close to my heart and I love how it sounds and looks. I am waiting for you guys to hear it.”
The collaboration is an expression of the artists’ evolution while keeping their roots in mind. On this, Divine adds, “I am very happy to collaborate with Kumari, her bold voice and fearless personality fits into the track of Roots, effortlessly.”
Divine’s intense hook and fierce verse is a statement in itself along with Raja Kumari’s commanding rap, Roots will be another song by the duo that will surely top your playlist. The duo had earlier collaborated on City Slums, a compelling and authentic number, wanting fans to hear more from them.
Roots has been shot in the Woods of Victoria, BC and Canada by Canadian director Shiraz Higgins.