MUMBAI: Recently, the social media has been buzzing with pictures of Kareena Kapoor Khan dressed in the chicest avatars and heading somewhere. Although two big films starring her have been announced, these pictures are not taken at the shootings of these movies.
Well, the latest news is that she is debuting as a Radio Jockey on the radio channel ISHQ 104.8 FM with a new chat show. This show is scheduled to go on air December 2018 and the first guest to appear on the show is Sunny Leone. Both the actresses spoke about kids, marriage and life after it and much more.The first look of Kareena Kapoor Khan as a radio jockey started floating in mid-September.
Pic! Kareena Kapoor with @SunnyLeone her first guest on her new radio show @IshqFM
— Kareena Kapoor Khan (@KareenaMania) September 26, 2018
While it is very exciting to see Kareena Kapoor Khan in a different Avtaar, it is not the first time, a film celebrity has turned into a radio jockey. This is the same channel where Kareena Kapoor Khan’s buddy and ace director Karan Johar is also hosting a show.
Kareena who recently turned a year older and gave a massive hit this year with Veere Di Wedding will be hosting this show which, going by the décor observed in the picture, looks like a female oriented show. The backdrop has signs like GRLPWR (GirlPower) and Happy Girls are the Prettiest.
The actress who is known for her acting skills, dressing sense, and stunning looks, will explore the medium of radio too. And her fans can't wait enough to tune into the radio for her show.