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News |  01 Oct 2018 17:51 |  By RnMTeam

23 year old releases a track on heartbreak in collaboration with popular music producer Mojojojo

MUMBAI: Heartbreak at every age looks and feels different, so when a 23-year-old singer releases a track about heartbreak, one needs to listen it. While most of the youngsters plunge into thumping music, Akshay Oberoi from Delhi released a soulful track that is, both, powerful and emotional at the same time.

What was inspiration for a 23 year old sing a song about heartbreak and Akshay shares, “I found inspiration through personal experience. Most of my music is about my life and my feelings, that's how I like to express myself, by channelling those into my songs.”

Akshay continues about the reason to choose a dark topic instead of a peppy, groovy track, “Songs about love and love lost are probably the most common topics on which artists have been making music, so I think it's hardly dark. It's just a life experience that we all go through at some point in our lives.”

He also adds, “I think there's always a small feeling in your heart which is always looking for love, love for something you really wish. The vocals are inspired by that feeling, which the audience can connect to!”

The category or the genre of this song is can be called as Future Bass, as Akshay says,” While it's hard to categorize it since it has multiple influences in its sound, I would categorize this as Future Bass. Anyone and everyone can relate to it because of the feelings behind the music”

MojoJojo, the award winning music producer and DJ, who’s last hit with AIB –Chak Bass created lot of news, has written the lyrics, composed and produced Akela. He speaks about the track, "This song explores the feelings of loneliness, sorrow and confusion associated with love lost and while I wanted to do something similar to my older works, I wanted to express all these with a fresher sound."

The track is accompanied by a visually captivating lyric video, that really sets the vibe for those rainy days and makes you want to put in on repeat.

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