MUMBAI: First Asian edition of DreamHack arrived in India, which took place from 21-23 December 2018 at NESCO, Mumbai. DreamHack brought gamers and digital natives together for a for a three-day weekend of competitions. This featured the world famous 24-hour-a-day Local Area Network (LAN) party, e-sports gaming tournaments and Bring Your Own Computer (BYOC). There were many DJ’s who performed at the DreamHack festival like DJ Sartak Sardena, Shaan, Zenith and many more who gave some bang on performances.
Since DreamHack was a gaming festival, people’s minds were quite deviated and were totally into their gaming zone. Therefore, it was a challenge for DJ Sartek to balance out people's attention towards his music too amidst the gaming fervour. “I did something special. I used theme songs of some big games and made their remixes. And what they did was they turned the big games themes into dance music. It was really exciting and I had a good experience at the DreamHack festival," said DJ Sartek.
While gaming, people are totally involved into their game. Thus, on being asked, how does music really help in grabbing people’s attention, Sartek revealed, “I think there is a very thin line between gamers and musicians because in both activities there is a lot of creativity involved like where to shoot, where to hide. Even for a musician, it is somewhat like that -what kind of melody to make, what next etc. Although there are two different genres, these games include rock music. I have made a few EDM mashups also for my set, on which, I did perform at the DreamHack music festival and it was a treat for the gamers.”
Sartek mentions his upcoming projects, “I have a lot of dance music tracks coming up that would be out in the first week of January 2019. I have signed a deal with a very big label. The track is going to be a big room EDM sound. I have a few songs, which are in the pipeline. Also, I will be performing next at the Sunburn festival, coming weekend. I am also looking forward to all the college gigs that happen in January-February 2018.
In terms of his 2019 plans and what is he focusing on, DJ Sartek signs off, “Since last three-four years, I am making music only for the international market. So, from now onwards, I am using the same sound and trying to replicate it in the Indian version.”