MUMBAI: Indo American Singer-Songwriter 'Subhi' @subhimusic who recently released her latest original single 'Naqaab' conceptualised and shot completely during lockdown, has made a mini video singing 'Yeh Jo Desh Hai Tera' (originally by AR Rahman) while playing the piano and wishing a Happy Independence Day to everyone from the New York City.
She celebrates Independence Day in peace along with strongly spreading Indian Music in western countries. Subhi although living out of India since years is connected with her roots through her poetic odes.
The Indie Pop Singer also recently released her single 'Cage' and 'Mehfil', received the Individual Artist Program Grant 2020 from Chicago. She's honoured to be a recipient of this grant second year in a row. This was from the Department of Culture Affairs and Special Events (DCASE) dedicated to enriching Chicago's artistic vitality and cultural vibrancy. She combines the worlds of Hindi folk and American pop to create a captivating sound that is poetic and contemporary.
#HappyIndependenceDay #subhimusic #Subhi #singer #songwriter #indiepop #indiemusic #indieartist #chicago #newyork