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News |  24 Dec 2020 17:30 |  By RnMTeam

Users feel attacked by AI 'what you listen to' on Spotify

MUMBAI: Most people think they have the greatest taste in music, but a new bot from the Pudding is here to prove that no one's perfect when it comes to taste.

Standing in direct contrast with the celebratory nature of Spotify Wrapped, which offered music listeners a chance to reflect on their most-listened to music in 2020, How Bad is Your Spotify aims to critique all the choices you made this year. Whether that's calling you too trendy for keeping up with new releases, or asking if you're okay following your 900th listen-through of Frank Ocean's Blonde.

Created by Mike Lacher and Matt Daniels, the AI really doesn't mess around when it comes to insulting your taste. The site will ask its users to pick "fuck, marry, kill" three of their most-listened to artists, and it will even ask if you've listened to particular tracks ironically or not. At the end of it, the AI will insult your taste specifically based on your listening habits, and if you listen to anything lesser-known it will even ask you, "Where do you even find this shit?"

While it's not exactly personalized, many have posted their results on Twitter to reveal just how attacked they feel. Check out reactions to the AI, which almost definitely knows I listened to too much Burial this year, below, and have your Spotify judged here.
