MUMBAI: Social media posts never ever go away, like ever.
As Kanye "Ye" West continues to make headlines for his relationships, one old tweet from his ex Amber Rose is going viral. Back in 2015, the model replied to an unknown tweet writing, "@kanyewest I'll leave that up to the Kartrashians to humiliate u when they're done with u."
But as the post resurfaced over the weekend, Amber expressed regret over the message and even apologized to Kim Kardashian and her sisters.
"Man f--k that old ass tweet," she wrote on Instagram Stories. "I never got an apology for his ‘30 showers' comment but f--k it. I started my Slutwalk and helped millions of women around the world stand up for themselves against slut shaming so something amazing came out of it."
Amber added, "Kim nor her sisters deserved that tweet and y'all shouldn't co-sign that either. S--t was old and immature af of me to involve the KarDASHians in the mess HE made."
Back in February 2015, Ye appeared on The Breakfast Club where he made headlines for comments about his ex.
"It's very hard for a woman to want to be with someone that's with Amber Rose," he said before adding, "I had to take 30 showers before I got with Kim."
He supplemented his comments with a quick apology and added, "I just want to be respectful."
Ultimately, Amber has completely moved on from her relationship with Ye and continues to raise two sons including 8-year-old Sebastian with ex Wiz Khalifa. She's also co-parenting 2-year-old Slash with ex Alexander Edwards.