MUMBAI: Today, the ultimate British rockstar, YUNGBLUD released his new single “The Funeral” via Geffen Records–listen to it here! The track is accompanied by a music video featuring the legendary Ozzy & Sharon Osbourne–watch it here!
The music video made its global broadcast premiere on MTV Live, MTVU and across MTV’s global network of channels, as well as on the Paramount Times Square billboards.
“I’d spent a lot of time in the last 18 months grappling with who I really want to be. I’ve honestly just felt like a bit of a hypocrite lately. I’d spent the past 4 years telling people to be unapologetically themselves and to not care about what others think and realized that was something I needed to tell myself. I felt a lot of pressure, a lot of insecurity, a lot of questioning myself. But then I wrote this song and it distilled for me what this next phase in my life, not just my career, was gonna be about,” said YUNGBLUD. “The lyrics are literally me listing off everything I’m insecure about because if you identify with what you don’t like about yourself and own it, no one can say anything that you haven’t already said to yourself. You become bulletproof. This song’s about owning those insecurities and just being fucking fearless. Its about ego, death, rebirth and fucking dancing on your grave. Inviting everyone to join you, but if you’re on your own and you’re the only one dancing - that’s fine too. for this new music, i looked at myself in the mirror and said “you ain’t gonna be around forever, how do you want to be remembered? and if you were hit by a car tomorrow and you could sing one more thing before you become worm food, would this song be it? Truly, the answer is yes. I would take this to my grave.”
YUNGBLUD is coming up on the final shows of his LIFE ON MARS TOUR: NORTH AMERICA, which will wrap up on March 19th in Phoenix, AZ! He will take the stage tonight in Portland, OR before hitting Seattle tomorrow, and Sacramento, San Francisco and Los Angeles next week. YUNGBLUD is joined by Palaye Royale, Upsahl, poutyface and Charlotte Sands.
Stay tuned for more new music coming soon from YUNGBLUD.