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News |  09 Jul 2022 16:38 |  By RnMTeam

The National Centre for the Performing Arts presents a combination of Indian music, drama and music workshops!

 MUMBAI: An NCPA Presentation in association with Club Guy & Roni, Navdhara India Dance Theatre, Slagwerk Den Haag

After the first three weeks of rehearsals and research in Mumbai, Navdhara India Dance Theatre and Club Guy & Roni are presenting an amalgamation of past repertoire and work-in-progress excerpts from Fortune. This first encounter with an audience adds a layer to an already existing exchange: the discussion and exploration of each other’s cultures and points of view on Fortune and embracing an artistic exchange that is exciting and beneficial on many levels. The award-winning Club Guy & Roni is a national dance company in the Netherlands. They innovate and explore the boundaries between contemporary dance and other art disciplines. Together with one of the largest theatre companies in the Netherlands, Noord Nederlands Toneel, they form NITE: National Interdisciplinary Theatre Ensemble.

First Encounter

Venue: Experimental Theatre  

Date: 8th July 2022

Time: 6:30 pm


Member Price: Rs 360 & 270/-

Non-Member Price: Rs 400 & 300/-

Navdhara India Dance Theatre (NIDT) is a contemporary dance company based in Mumbai, combining the physical methodologies of Western dance and the spiritual philosophies of India and Indian dance, including thoughts from the ancient Indian Gurukul system. NIDT seeks to allow newer methodologies and works of theatre and dance to come through.

Song Writing Workshop with Samantha Noella

Venue: Little Theatre Foyer

Date: 2ndJuly 2022

Time: 4:00pm - 6:00pm


Online Training: Rs. 15,000/-

In-Person Training: Rs. 25,000/- (Inclusive of GST)

Offered live at the NCPA or Online (Zoom)

Learn the essentials of songwriting, music composition, writing lyrics, and music production in popular mainstream genres today in this certified song writing workshop with Samantha Noella. This workshop will not only delve into the artistry of song writing and all that it encompasses but also gives a larger overview of all the steps required to release and produce singles. It will help participants create, showcase and market their original music on streaming platforms. Whether you are a beginner just exploring how to make melodies for the first time or an experienced songwriter looking to learn new skills, this is the place for you. The workshop will culminate in an amalgamation of live performances, held at the NCPA, to showcase the material and experiences gained out of this comprehensive 12-session program.

You will learn:

· Lyric-writing

· Song ideation

· Rights and worldwide distribution

· Release and production of your very own single across all streaming platforms

· Social media strategies to promote your music.

Time Wise

Venue: Experimental  Theatre

Date: 9th July 2022

Time: 6:30 pm


Member Price: Rs 675 & 450/- (Plus GST)

Non-Member Price: Rs 750 & 500/- (Plus GST)

Time Wise is a labour of love: we love what we do and can’t wait to share it with the world. Time Wise brings together musicians who speak several different ‘languages’—from the idioms of jazz and blues to Hindustani classical music. Everything we have heard, and everything we play, feeds into the new lexicon we are devising together.

Ranging from swing in the form of canonical pieces like ‘Take Five’ and ‘Cocktails for Two’ to the more rhythmically quirky originals such as ‘In a Thread’ and ‘Fits’, the set will leave the audience with more questions than answers about the shape of things to come.
‘OGANGA!’ – A Tribute to the Life of Dr. Albert Schweitzer

Venue: Tata Theatre

Date: 10th July 2022

Time: 6:30 pm


Member Price: Rs 750,563 & 375/- (Inclusive of GST)

Non-Member Price: Rs 1000,750 & 500/- (Inclusive of GST)

This tribute explores the extraordinary saga of an extraordinary man, Dr. Albert Schweitzer. ‘Oganga!’ brings to life the journey of a man who forsook a comfortable life and felt impelled to live and work as a doctor in the jungles of Equatorial Africa, a man who offered unconditionally, a lifetime of service to the poorest and most wretched of his fellow human beings, with great compassion, humility and love. Remarkably, he was also a true Renaissance man, a theologian, a musician, a virtuoso organist, a prolific writer and author, a profound philosopher, but above all, a great humanist. This work, written by Dr. Farokh E. Udwadia, eminent physician and author, is a meditation on a life of selflessness, heroism, sacrifice and above all, universal love for all God’s creation. Interspersed with Bach’s works, this is also a work where the love of music that binds the two good doctors—the subject and the writer—comes alive onstage.

Photo Workshops

Venue: Piramal Art Gallery

Date: 10th July 2022

Time:11:00 am to 6:00 pm

Cameraless Photography By Mayuresh Moghe

Photography means making an image with the help of light. Although the first thing that comes to our mind when we think of photography is a camera, there are several alternative methods and processes which can be used to make a photographic image without the use of a camera. This talk is about some of these processes which have been practised by image makers since the invention of photography. The speaker will also give a demo of how to make ‘cyanotypes’ without a camera.

Analogue B/W Photography

By Madhusudan Tawde

Analogue photography has seen a revival in recent times and is becoming popular again. This talk will cover shooting with black and white films, different types of analogue film cameras and film formats. The speaker will also give a demonstration of B&W film processing while talking about the current status of analogue photography and the resources available for those interested in pursuing this form of photography.

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