MUMBAI: World renowned for his impeccable voice and versatile acting, Kishore Kumar, fondly known as Kishore-da, gave the Indian film industry several timeless songs and films. On his 86th birth anniversary on Tuesday, he was fondly remembered by his son Amit Kumar, who, with his music label Kumar Brothers Music (KBM) is trying to keep Kishore-da's musical legacy alive.
"With my label, I want to promote good music. Talented music directors who want to compose great music will be welcomed. I will keep on trying to work so that the legacy that my father left behind, should go ahead," Kumar said.
Amit's latest album ‘Baba Mere’ was released on Tuesday to commemorate his father's 86th birth anniversary. The album will be streamed by music streaming service Saavn.
The album has six songs. A music video of the title track, which pays a humble and heart warming tribute to Kishore-da, will release on Wednesday. It also features Kumar's 10-year-old daughter Muktika, says Kumar.
"We made a music video for 'Baba mere', which is a dream sequence. It took two years to finish this song. Muktika goes into the dream where she meets her grandfather Kishore Kumar. I have played Kishore-da in the video.
"In the end, the dream gets over. I try to console her that she sees her grandfather, there is a photograph of my father and Kishore da comes out of it and blesses her," Kumar said.
However, Kumar is not interested in doing tribute albums to Kishore-da, as he feels that it has been done and dusted countless times, and there is no musician who can "surpass" the singer's prowess.
Kumar also mentioned he is working on a book on his father, as people are very interested in knowing his life's story.
"I was at a show, where people wanted to know so many things about him. They are more interested in knowing the story about him. Then I thought that I should write a book on my father. My father as I knew. That book will have all his colourful sides," he added.
Kishore-da immortalised his musical legacy with classic songs like ‘Chalte chalte mere ye geet yaad rakhna’, ‘O hansin’, ‘Aa chal ke tujhe,’ ‘Pal pal dil ke paas,’ ‘Hawa ke saath saath, ‘’Chukar mere mann ko’ and ‘Jahaan teri ye nazar hai’.