MUMBAI: Miley Cyrus, known for her eccentric style and performances, was spotted smoking a joint while headlining a party here.
"Where's my joint? I'll grab a lighter," Cyrus said on stage on Wednesday night, after completing her first upbeat song at cable network Adult Swim's annual party, reports
Cyrus, who rose to worldwide fame on TV show 'Hannah Montana' and has become a best-selling artist, addressed the audience saying: "Are you guys drunk yet? Are you guys high yet?"
"No?! You're gonna be at a show where I'm dressed as a f-king butterfly and not be high? I'm down to share," she said on the stage, which was complete with psychedelic decor and costume.
Then, she took a puff, and passed her blunt into the crowd, saying: "You better pass that back."
The multi-talented star sang Johnny Cash and Led Zeppelin. Cyrus even debuted her new single from her next yet-to-be-announced album, which she called 'Tiger Dreams'.