MUMBAI: The 'Piya Aye Na' singer Tulsi Kumar has added one more feather to her hat. Kumar has become a voiceover artiste for her new YouTube channel 'Kids Hut'. The channel is launched by T-Series and is targeted at an age group of 3-9 years old. The channel has been conceived, ideated, scripted and produced by the in-house digital team of T-Series with remarkable creative inputs from Tulsi Kumar.
Talking about the experience of being voiceover artiste, Kumar said, "Being a voiceover artiste has been an amazing experience as I was involved in each and every stage. Right from conceptualising to mastering, I was involved with everything. When we started recording for this, everything flew in naturally, and I transformed from a singer to a voiceover artiste, which was indeed experimental."
She also feels that the experience will further help her in singing too. "When you record in the studio you just sing your part and your job is done. There are people to look after mastering and the other aspects, but here I was involved in each and every process," explained Kumar. It was since February that the team started working on this project.
This project made her find her hidden talent of a voice over artiste. According to Kumar, every artiste has an art of mimicking voices. "When I finished with one patch of recording, I often went back and heard myself and there were places when I was amazed and thought to myself if it was really me," she concluded laughingly. The channel has two Mascots Tia and Tofu, which have been designed not only to be the face of the channel but also to whom kids can relate easily. Tia, a 13 year old teenager is not only smart, curious, intelligent but full of moral values and ethics. The aim was to build up an Idol for kids entering their teens. Whilst asking about Tofu, he is a character that every toddler would be able to relate to. He is a fun, loving, curious little boy who is stepping into the ocean of knowledge and looking up to his sister as an idol for everything.