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Review |  05 Mar 2018 18:26 |  By RnMTeam

'Hip Hop Holi' song is a splash of techno music

MUMBAI: Though Holi is considered a Festival of colours, music is an inevitable part of any Holi celebrations in India. Every year there are a number of tracks that release during this time that set the mood for Holi Parties. This year, we have a track by Harjas, Deep Kalsi and Krsna called Hip Hop Holi. The song released, just a couple of days before Holi.

The song definitely has an upbeat vibe about it and could be a great party setter. What also makes the song likable, is the fact that it can be played in loop. The song certainly has a repeat value and gets you in the zone. Just like a splash of colours done during the festival, there is a splash of techno-music, with Hindi lyrics. This gets the listener in the groove and for someone who is a fan of techno music, this track not for once gets jarring. However, what lacks in the song is any novelty or innovative twist. The feel is of Hip Hop and the combination of Hip Hop and Holi sounds super fun, but the song ends up like any other party song, that are churned out dozen a dime. The lyrics too, are replete with Punjabi and English words. However, that’s what the season and day demands, and well Hip Hop Holi song serves the purpose.

If the lyrics aren’t heard carefully, one wouldn’t know that the song is about Holi. Also, as much as the combination of Hip Hop and Holi sounds fun, and is fun too, lack of any Indian instrument sticks out as a sore thumb. A hint of dholak or swipe of harmonium would have been great. For Indians who have grown up on songs like Rang Barse, and even the recent Balam Pichkaari Indian instruments make a lot of difference.

The vocals suit the mood, however, get monotonous after a while. But honestly, with Holi mood, and a good dose of Bhang, it’s unlikely for anyone to notice these minor glitches, and is sure to get everyone hung on the foot-tapping rhythm.

Play it and slay it for Holi parties!

Check the track here –

The track first released on MTV Beats.

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