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Gossip |  12 Mar 2016 18:05 |  By RnMTeam

Promises to keep, and miles to go....

MUMBAI: Celeb tantrums are nothing new. Starry moods are also par for the course in the Hindi film and music industries. But when star singers fail to turn up at events they have signed on for, it just ain't done.

Just last week, we trooped in for an event to launch Sukhwinder Singh's new single featuring Neetu Chandra at Carnival Cinemas, Oshiwara. The event dragged on while the PR insisted that Singh was held up in traffic. The attendees cooled their heels for over two hours after which it was sheepishly admitted that the celeb singer was not going to turn up.

Sukhwinder may have been a big name in the industry and continues to hold sway over his fans, but he did fall a notch in our eyes. This may not have been the first time a celeb disappointed his fans, but we expected our music celebs to be a tad better. Fond hopes, perhaps?

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