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Music |  25 Jun 2016 21:06

'Fever' music launch

Music launch of Fever
 Director Rajeev Jhaveri, Ajay Chabaria, Ravi agarwal, Rajath Manjunath at the music launch of Fever
 Neha Kakkar at the music launch of FEVER
 Rajeev Khandelwal and Director Rajeev Jhaveri at the music launch of FEVER
Music launch of Fever
Director Rajeev Jhaveri, Ravi Agarwal, Rajath Manjunath, Rajeev Khandelwal and Ajay Chabaria at the music launch of Fever
 Rajeev Khandelwal at the music launch of FEVER
 Music launch of Fever
 Sonu Kakkar at the music launch of FEVER
 Music launch of Fever
Neha and Tony Kakkar at the music launch of FEVER
 Rajeev Khandelwal and Director Rajeev Jhaveri at the music launch of FEVER
 Rajeev Khandelwal at the music launch of FEVER
 Ravi Agarwal, Ajay Chabaria, Rajeev Khandelwal, Rajath Manjunath and Director Rajeev Jhaveri at the music launch of Fever
 Ravi Agarwal, Ajay Chabaria, Rajeev Khandelwal, Rajath Manjunath and Director Rajeev Jhaveri at the music launch of Fever
 Tony and Neha Kakkar at the music launch of FEVER
 Tony Kakkar and Rajeev Khandelwal at the music launch of FEVER
 Ravi Agarwal, Ajay Chabaria, Rajeev Khandelwal, Rajath Manjunath and Director Rajeev Jhaveri at the music launch of Fever
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