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News |  22 Jul 2016 13:38 |  By RnMTeam

Big FM's RJ Rani walks the extra mile to save a life

MUMBAI: We constantly talk about being more responsible as citizens, about helping ones in need, but how often do we do these things? Most would have 'never' as an answer to this question, but RJ Rani.

The RJ who hosts Big Mamesaab for Big FM, Mumbai is someone who believes in helping the ones in need. This is also a message that she constantly spreads through her show.

In fact, her recent act of kindness makes us believe that she walks the talk.

The RJ saved life of a six-year-old named Lucky. She found him in drugged state in a local train and decided to locate his family. Thus, she took him to a police station, however, she did not cut the strings at that. She constantly kept tracking his status and even went on to dedicate an entire day's show to locate his parents.

At the end of it, the RJ succeeded in getting the boy closer to a family member and now she wants to sponsor his studies. The little boy comes from a poor family, but he wishes to study and RJ Rani wants to fulfill his wish.

Check our exclusive interview with RJ Rani.

Now that's a real cause.

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