MUMBAI: Bass raja Nucleya announced his brand new album 'Raja Baja's launch date on 16 August 2016 on Facebook. Incredibly, in less than 20 hours (yes, you read that right) ticketing partner, Insider got 15,000 RSVPs and the website had to shut the RSVPs for the time being.
In association with Levi's, presented by Bacardi Nh7 Weekender and powered by Saavn, Nucleya will present his brand new album ‘Raja Baja’ at NSCI Dome, Mumbai on Friday, 2 September 2016. This is the much-anticipated follow-up to his 2015 groundbreaking album ‘Bass Rani’, and 'Raja Baja' carries the desi-bass raze on further. Additionally, the show will feature a custom stage designed specifically for Nucleya with brand new visual content by Wolves.
According to Nucleya, this is the single most ambitious independent show in India till date. Interestingly, it is a free show for those who have got their RSVPs in order. Apart from the album launch, there will be an interesting line-up of Anish Sood, Zaeden, Sound Avtar, DJ Sa, Su Real, SICKFLIP, and Ritviz.
In addition, the organisers will open up a waiting list for everyone who did not have a chance to RSVP so far. 1,000 lucky winners from the waiting list will get the chance to enter the album launch on 2 September 2016.
P.S. Raja Baja streaming will be available on Saavn before the album launch. One can listen to the tracks from 29 August 2016.