MUMBAI: Vaishali Karunn, the 28-year old from Pune who is an ardent Badshah fan loves his new single ‘Mercy’ and has been obsessing over it. Yesterday as she played the song non- stop at her home, her neighbours complained, to which she turned a deaf ear.
The single’s infectious rhythms and electronic influences hint that no one can ignore the track. Coming back to the incident, after listening to the song wildly, the neighbours of Vaishali Karunn eventually gave in and decided to call the cops. After the cops showed up, her parents intervened and apologized to the neighbours on behalf of their daughter.
Well, it goes without saying that, the Rap king Badshah is literally slaying it as his latest single, which is going ballistic. Vaishali, who is eagerly waiting to watch Badshah perform in Pune and is also awaiting his next single.
Watch the song once again, but try not to play it on loop!