MUMBAI: Independent music today has started getting support in a big way now. For the same cause Belvedere, a luxury vodka brand would launch its new platform ‘Belvedere Studio B’ with Bollywood fame Sidharth Malhotra. They have brought together four pioneers of their fields from art, fashion, Bollywood and music who will work together to create a unique experience.
From the field of music Belvedere has collaborated with the most coveted Lost Stories duo DJ cum Producers Prayag Mehta and Rishab Joshi. They created a track named Reveal Yourself specially for Belvedere which they would perform at the launch event.
In terms of their association Lost Stories share their experience, “Belvedere got in touch with us and asked us to create something unique which reflects their brand. We actually worked on a fresh new track, something which they were looking out for their Belvedere Studio B. They got in touch with us and asked us to create something unique which reflects their brand. It has been a great experience associating with them.”
Belvedere ‘Studio B’ aims to bring Belvedere’s distinctive character to create exciting experience. Lost Stories adds to this, “It’s great how they got people from fashion, art, Bollywood. This is something unique what Belvedere is doing. I have not seen something happen like this before.”
Rishab elaborates on what their track Reveal Yourself would be about, “The track has a fresh approach and is an amalgamation of many genres. We tried tuning the track in different ways and altogether it took us three to four weeks to get done with it. When we started making there was a rough idea and it wasn’t working out and then. One day I just wrote the track and everybody in the team liked it, also we have a Grammy winning singer who has her vocals in it. We also make sure that before we send anything to the brand we are clear about everything.”
Parag adds to this, “We were happy with the track and sent it to Belvedere, they really liked it. It has Bass House in it, pop and a lot more. It does have a few lyrics which speak about ‘believing in yourself’ and I think Belvedere encourages its audience to do that.”
“We have never worked on a track like this before. The music we put forth as Lost Stories is very different from what we have written for this track. But since they wanted a particular attitude in that song we pushed our boundaries. Instead for looking at singles which we usually look forward, this one is something different we went for,” adds Rishabh.
Lost Stories have a lot of new music in store, they further reveal, “We have been re-writing and remaking a lot of old ideas that we have had few years back. To make it more relevant to the current style a few of them are going to be out on Spinnin’ Records. We have a lot of music coming out in the next two months.”
Recently the duo was been seen having a record session with DJ Makasi, Rishabh clears the air, “Makasi is a really good friend and he came up at our studio, we wrote a track with him which would be releasing soon.”