MUMBAI: RED FM, with its tagline Bajate Raho, has stretched its arms, by launching a new station at one of the most populous cities in India i.e. Nanded.
RED FM made the announcement on its social media. Have a look at their post:
With this exciting announcement, the station will surely have some amazing surprises for its listeners. It will be quite exciting to see how people would react to Red FM’s effort.
Recently RED FM launched new stations; Magic FM at Hyderabad, Dehradun and now Nanded. With Dehradun, Uttarkand being their previous launch, RED FM has now made their way to Maharashtra, with the 67th launch. The station will also be expanding, furthermore, to Dhule and Muzaffarpur.
Also Read:
Red FM: Dehradun gets its first radio station
Hyderabad gets RedFM's retro Magic
While this is, just, a soft launch, stay tuned to Radioandmusic, to get more updates.