MUMBAI: Bollywood actors debuting as RJs is a trend right now and its perfect examples are Karan Johar, Kareena Kapoor Khan and others, who have done their shows in the past. And now, with 92.7 BIG FM's Muthoot presents Dhun Badal Ke Toh Dekho with Vidya Balan has become a radio jock, but the catch his her first rap song.
Recently the makers of the show released the making video of Vidya’s rap, where the actress is seen rapping on the catchy beats. Encapsulated in a kick-ass rap, the lyrics of this song have major social issues, taboos that are still haunting India. Balan looks completely energetic as she croons the rap number, which is yet-to-be-released.
Watch making video here
Vidya Balan’s debut BIG FM show would aim to highlight social issues in our country and give a reality check to people.
Presenting partner Muthoot Fincorp’s brand philosophy happens to be Empowering Human Philosophy, which resonates with the show’s philosophy. The show seeks to add a much-needed dose of positivity around contemporary issues and obstacles faced by society.
Dhun Badal Ke Toh Dekho with Vidya Balan would strike the right chord and may change the wrong perspectives of people!
Also Read: Vidya Balan to debut as RJ with 92.7 BIG FM's flagship show 'Dhun Badal Ke Toh Dekho'