MUMBAI: Actor Sushant Singh Rajput's movie “Dil Bechara” trailer released on 6 June, 2020, Monday. They also revealed the new poster of the movie. In this poster, Sushant can be seen smiling as he rides a bike. The lead actor Sanjana Sanghi can be seen giving the actor a back hug while a tube is inserted in her nose. The poster also unveils that "Dil Bechara" trailer will be unveiled on July 5, 2020.
The film's music director AR Rahman took to Twitter to post a list of “Dil Bechara” songs. The list is a typed out soft copy popping up on a laptop screen. The list of Dil Bechara's songs includes
Dil Bechara sung by AR Rahman
Taare Ginn sung by Mohit Chauhan and Shreya Ghoshal
Khulke Jeene Ka sung by Arijit Singh and Shashaa Tirupati
Maskhari sung by Sunidhi Chauhan and Hriday Gattani
Friendzone sung by AR Rahman
Mera Naam Kizzie sung by Aditya Narayan and Poorvi Koutish
The Horizon of Saudade
— A.R.Rahman (@arrahman) July 6, 2020