MUMBAI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke on his monthly radio programme 'Mann ki Baat' on Sunday said that the Malayalam festival ‘Onam has reached distant shores of foreign lands.'
"The zest of Onam today has reached in different parts of the world. Be it Europe, America or Gulf countries, the verve of Onam can be felt everywhere. Onam is increasingly turning out to be an international festival," PM Modi said.
"Onam festival is a festival celebrated with gaiety & fervour.This festivital begin in the first Malayalam month of Chingam when Atham/Hasta Nakshatra prevails. During this period, people buy something new, decorate their homes, prepare Pookalam, enjoy Onam-Saadiya. Variety of games, competitions also held," Modi added.
PM Modi also posted on his Official twitter Page with a video and greets.
“Greetings on Onam. This is a unique festival, which celebrates harmony. It is also an occasion to express gratitude to our hardworking farmers. May everyone be blessed with joy and best health.
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Greetings on Onam. This is a unique festival, which celebrates harmony. It is also an occasion to express gratitude to our hardworking farmers. May everyone be blessed with joy and best health.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) August 31, 2020