| 06 May 2024
'Map Of Me' is here to help channelize young people and make them problem solvers: Lisa Heydlauff

Map of Me - an initiative by Lisa Heydlauff where youngsters while at home, can learn a skill set and solve a problem at the same time. If you are between the age group of 16-25 and feel there is a problem you want to solve, you can go follow Map of Me's 26 steps and create a business/entrepreneurial journal for yourself.

To know more about this initiative, we spoke to Lisa Heydlauff, the creative head behind this unique initiative Map Of Me (MOM) is the Founder and Director of Going to School (GTS), a creative not-for-profit company that makes design-driven stories, books, graphic novels, games, and television series, to teach impoverished children entrepreneurial skills at school.

Check the interview below.

Could you please let us know about your initiative Map of me?

Map of Me, MOM, is a mobile-digital youth skills channel designed to enable young people to learn the skills they need while they’re on their morning commute to work. Powered by original content and videos in each city, Delhi, Bengaluru, and Kolkata, as well as each language Map of Me enables young people to explore becoming a problem-solving entrepreneur in the city as well as find out what’s up that’s interesting to young people - street food, street art, street music, extreme street sports, check it out

The thought of coming up with 'Map Of Me'. When and how did the process begin?

I was sitting in traffic in Bengaluru impatient to get out and I looked over at young people on a bus patiently scrolling on their mobile phones, it gave me an idea that we could reach young people on their mobiles on their morning commute, enabling them to learn on the way to work. In order to encourage young entrepreneurs, Map of Me will also showcase hundreds of young entrepreneurs from these cities through videos where they talk about their venture and how they became entrepreneurs. ‘Map Of Me’ is here to help channelize young people and make them problem solvers

Could you let us know your vision regarding this project?

That our cities become cities where women go to work safely, in new careers and sectors, and have support from the people of the city to try new things as well as start problem-solving enterprises. MOM’s audience is young people age 18-23, we have a secondary audience of young people in Grade 11/12 Government Schools, there are 26 steps for how to make a new life plan, so we hope young people in each city explore and complete the 26 steps and by doing so, understand their talent, skills and potential and make a school to work plan that they implement after Grade 12.

How many Inspiring stories of young entrepreneurs, are you going to put forth towards the audience?

In each city there are over 100 stories so far, we’ll keep finding them, making stories and keep sharing them.

Tell us about how British Telecom has integrated with your ideas and helped?

BT supports the creation, design and delivery of Map of Me. BT teams make inspiring career advice videos that appear on the platform in each city, top tips for young women to have a career in technology and more school to work good advice for work experience, internships, cracking the interview, and taking a leap to become an entrepreneur. BT women mentor young people who reach that step on 26 steps. BT teams with Map of Me teams take the 26 steps to make a new life plan to schools in each city, enabling young people who do not have access to technology to access the platform, make a new life plan as well as meet someone who has a cool job and can answer questions about how young people can make their career or enterprise aspirations come true.

Any message to the audience.

Our cities consist of amazing places for young people to start enterprises to solve problems and create jobs, we need, more than ever, for millions of young people to take a risk to change everything for everyone.