MUMBAI: With the world going digital and everyone becoming tech-savvy, ace director Surender Reddy is not too far behind. The movie maestro graced the studios of Radio City in Hyderabad as he launched the official mobile application for his upcoming flick ‘Kick 2’.
The director spoke at length on the application and gave the listeners some amazing pieces of information. The application boasts about being South India’s first full-fledged app satisfying the musical needs of the people. The application unveiling could not have been done in a much more grand style than releasing it with the announcement of his blockbuster movie, ‘Kick 2’. The launch also ended the wait of thousands of eager fans wanting to know the release date of the movie. Surender Reddy disclosed exclusively on Radio City that the movie will hit the big screens on 21st August 2015.
The application houses all the dope pertaining to the Telugu blockbuster. All movie lovers who want to be a part of ‘Kick 2’ digitally can simply download the application from their respective Play stores. What’s more enticing is that the application is available to everyone for free. Once downloaded users can download full length movie songs and also mark their favourite tracks. The application has a great functionality that allows users to set any of their favourite songs they stumble upon on the app as their ringtones! Apart from that users can check out celeb videos, performances and download wallpapers of their favourite celebrity.