MUMBAI: Last Night South Mumbai saw a rocking performance by top ten different bands across the country. These bands were seen competing with each other and finally 6IX MHZ from New Delhi came out as winners of the evening and won the title of 'Voice For Skill Development'. National Skill development corporation (NSDC) in collaboration with Citizens Alliance organized ‘Dhun - A beat for Skill’. The top ten bands were judged by Clinton Cerejo, Leslie Lewis, Subir Malik, Kavita Seth and Mithoon.
Music composer and singer Mithoon sung his famous song ‘Tum Hi Ho’ from the movie ‘Aashiqui 2’, after which he said, “‘Hunar Hai Toh Kadar Hai’. This is the first project under the Government of India which has songs by the people, for the people and the aim of this program is to spread an awareness about skill development amongst the youth.”
The crowd was heady with all the music that slowly grew larger. The sky dimmed down and the lights took over. Delhi's Top band Parikrama performed live for hours. The packed house shouted and moved their bodies in different array of music. While talking to the media Kavita Seth said, “This is one of the best programs ever and I feel proud to be here as a guest”.
Overall, this was a superhit show with superb ambience and audience. The presentation of the bands was really vivid. The Fog effect on the stage was phenomenal. This was truly one of the best concerts held in Mumbai that kept the crowd on toes, screaming and dancing.