| 02 Jan 2025
Global DRM meet to review 'excellent' progress in India

NEW DELHI: The 2017 General Assembly of the Digital Radio Mondiale Consortium in May this year will review the progress made by DRM in India and other key countries.

The meet will be held on 10 and 11 May near Zurich, Switzerland on the theme of “Digital Radio Mondiale Delivers” and is being hosted by Ampegon AG.

The two-day event will start with the exclusive General Assembly meeting for members only on 10 May in the morning. At lunch break, it will be open to others including specially invited guests.

The Open DRM event will run through until lunchtime on 11 May. Special VIP guests have been invited to attend the Open sessions of the General Assembly where they will have an opportunity to review and receive updates from country representatives and specialists on an outstanding year of progress for DRM.

DRM Chairman Ruxandra Obreja said, “This is a moment to take stock and review the excellent progress made by DRM in India and other key countries like Pakistan, South Africa, Indonesia and many more as well as the interest shown in some African countries, Brazil, Russia and other countries in Asia-Pacific. The fact that there are already ingenious standalone and car receivers featuring DRM gives confidence in DRM and the ultimate success of digital radio all over the world.”