| 27 Jul 2024
Sony Pictures Networks' 'The Dhun Project' opens music training centers across five Indian prisons
MUMBAI: Sony Pictures Networks India together with India Vision Foundation had released a heart-warming video of The Dhun Project on the occasion of the World Music Day. The project has a lot of initiatives under its umbrella. 
The Dhun Project has facilitated the opening of music training centers across five large prisons in North India. The initiative uses the powerful medium of music (vocal and instrumental) to assist in rehabilitation of prison inmates, thus preparing them for reintegrating into society post their prison term. ‘The Dhun Project’ has now touched the lives of close to 250 inmates at five training centres in UP and Haryana prisons.
Since the project's initiation in 2018 with the launch of their first music training center at the Bhondsi Jail in Gurugram, Haryana, four more training centres have been set up at Rothak and Ambala prisons in Haryana, and Dasna and Kasna prisons in Uttar Pradesh.
Furthermore, special trainers (vocal and instrumental) have been appointed who visit the music centres on a regular basis to train the prison inmates. The training centres are well equipped with instruments such as drum set, pad, tabla, dholak, harmonium, guitar and electric keyboards. So far, 116 inmates have been trained in vocal, 105 in instrumental and 23 inmates trained in both vocal and instrumental music.
Apart from being a source of cheer and entertainment, the training equips inmates with a potential source of livelihood.
Sony Pictures Networks India (SPN) CSR head Rajkumar Bidawatka said, “We at Sony Pictures Networks India are always striving towards building a better society. I am pleased that we are able to drive social change at prisons across North India in collaboration with India Vision Foundation. The Dhun Project is a wonderful showcase of how music can transform lives. Through our initiatives, we hope to encourage positive change and give life to our vision of Ek India Happywala.”
Sony Pictures Networks India (SPN)
Sony Pictures Networks India (SPN), is a subsidiary of Sony Corporation which owns and operates the Sony Entertainment network of television channels.