| 06 Oct 2024
Delhi court vacation bench upholds music licensing bodies rights to licence

MUMBAI: In yet another turn of events, the Delhi High Court's vacation bench has passed another judgment effectively upholding the music licensing bodies rights to license (as earlier reported on 26 December), according to the CEO of Indian Performing Right Society Ltd. (IPRS), Rakesh Nigam. The latest development addresses the concerning issue left unanswered on whether the venues will receive a free grant to play music at their respective events without paying for the licence.

The latest development arrives less than a week after the High Court’s initial judgment barring IPRS, Phonographic Performance Limited (PPL), Novex Communications and Federation of Hotel and Restaurant Association from collecting money for music licensing for events until the further hearing in April 2017.

Speaking to today, the IPRS head confirmed that the court has elaborated on its earlier judgment and ordered the venues to pay for the music and issue the necessary licence. “The order will be officially announced till this evening,” said Nigam, who added that IPRS had never indulged in malpractice or inappropriate execution of duties.

The Delhi High Court has allegedly passed the order today on an appeal filed by the PPL on the 23 December judgment.

For now, the only confirmation of the latest development comes through Nigam’s claims. When contacted, the petitioner for the earlier (dated 23 December) injunction – EEMA – informed that it was unaware of the development.

Check this space for upcoming updates on the saga.