| 17 Jan 2025
10 steps to start a community radio station

MUMBAI:  Community Radio Stations (CRS) in India have played a major role in educating and encouraging the remote societies. India has 205 + CRS in rural and urban areas benefiting the societies and there is a need for more stations.

We are sure many of you out there wish to start up a CRS but do not have complete knowledge of the procedure. Thus, we at decided on making it simpler for you.

Below mentioned are the steps to start a CRS in India.

  •  Licenses can be given only to three categories i.e Educational Institution (College/University), NGO and Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK). These bodies should be functional for at least five years.  So, if you want to start-up a CRS you will have to approach one of these bodies.
  •  One also needs to have a concrete reason to start a CRS. The reason will also include details of the target audience and target area. With all these details in place, the proposal can be sent to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.
  •  On applying for the license of a CRS, one should also apply for Wireless Operating License (WOL).
  •  Once the above-mentioned formalities are fulfilled, the government will send a Grant of Permission Agreement (GOPA) which clarifies target audience, area and basic benefits.
  •  If an NGO applies for a CRS, it will have to mention what the NGO is working for and its prime focus. The government will then look into the functioning and capability of KVK, NGO and Educational Institution.
  • After the WOL is approved by the Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing (WPC) -- that comes under The Ministry of Communication and IT -- an Intelligence Bureau visits the geographical areas of radio to be sure for no interference in the wireless medium.
  •  The most important and tedious job is getting a transmitter. The government is supposed to be informed and taken permission from before getting a transmitter. Also if one wishes to sell or scrap its transmitter, the government should be kept under loop. Two types of a transmitter are used – local and imported. Also, a backup transmitter is a must in case the transmitter stops functioning.
  • Next is building a tower for the transmitter. This requires experts for setting up the transmitter.
  • Once the legal procedures are done, it’s time for setting up the studio. Minimum space required for a start-up CRS will be a 10 x 10 room.
  • Two to three desktops a console for operating radio, an editing room a station manager and one to two RJs or volunteers for jocking.

Here are the steps towards starting up a CRS in the most simplified way. In case of any queries mention them in the comment section below and we will try solving them soon.