| 27 Jul 2024
Dhan Foundation to operate CR station in Nagapattinam, TN

NEW DELHI: The Madurai based non government organisation (NGO), Dhan Foundation has been permitted to establish, maintain and operate a community radio station at Vizhunthamavad village, Nagapattinam district in Tamil Nadu by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.

The CR station, which is expected to be operational within three months as per the agreement, will be called Kalanjiam community radio station.

Nagapattinam is a tsunami affected area and the setting up of CRS is expected to empower women, farmers, fishermen with information and communication critical for disaster preparedness and management.

Additionally, the community management committee has partnered with local government institutions like panchayats, health centers and schools as well as government disaster management institution to establish a disaster management mechanism to face natural calamities.