| 14 Mar 2025
Red FM brings Malishka live on FB, Twitter every Friday

MUMBAi: Red FM plans to bring its star RJ Malishka live on Facebook and Twitter every Friday.

According to the network, Red FM will be the first radio station to make one of its RJs available for its listeners through Facebook live every week. To mark the beginning of this new initiative, Malishka also took over the official twitter account of Red FM India wherein listeners and fans were asking questions to Malishka with #ASKMALISHKA and she was promptly responding to all.

The video, says the network, has already garnered 12000 views on Red FM’s official Facebook page. Singer Anushka Manchanda joined Malishka at the inaugural event to congratulate Malishka for her win at the IRF awards, where Red FM’s ‘Morning No. 1’ show hosted by Malishka bagged the best breakfast show.

At the first FB interaction, RJ Malishka went live with her 30 loyal listeners at the Red FM studio and unveiled all the awards won at the IRF ceremony. The entire event was streamed live on facebook with the #RedFMFridayLivewithMalishka.