MUMBAI: Red FM, the largest radio network of the country, and principal sponsor for SunRisers Hyderabad brought together cricket lovers from various parts of the country to test their mettle with SunRisers Hyderabad. In the contest called ‘Face the Cricketers', Red FM shortlisted winners from across seven key cities. These winners today participated along with the cricketers during their net practice session at Uppal stadium.
The contest ‘Face the Cricketers' was activated on Red FM as well as on Twitter. Listeners who gave maximum correct answers related to SunRisers Hyderabad were chosen as winners. A total of 23 winners were selected from on- air and digital promotion from cities like Pune, Ahmedabad, Lucknow, Jaipur, Kanpur, Indore and Bhopal.
Speaking about the campaign "Seena Thok ke bajaate raho”, Red FM national marketing head Rajat Uppal said, “Being there on the front of the jersey this association has given us enormous visibility. In an endeavor to bring the listeners closer to their cricket idols, Red FM initiated the contest. ‘Face the cricketers’ so that the listeners can get up, close and personal with their idols and make it a cherishable experience."