| 07 Jan 2025
Electronic Media Monitoring Centre to cover all community radio and FM stations

MUMBAI: The Electronic Media Monitoring Centre (EMMC) is being strengthened to cover 170 community radio stations and all FM channels under its ambit.

The parliamentary standing committee for Information Technology which examines issues related to Information and Broadcasting ministry has been informed by the I and B ministry that the project of covering the CRs’ is expected to be completed by March this year.

The Committee recommended that the ministry complete the technical and monitoring upgradation for the centre without any delay and ensure deployment of adequate manpower needed for the purpose.

The aim earlier was to increase the capacity of EMMC to cover 60 CRs’ (from the existing 30) by July 2015.

The Broadcast Engineering Consultants (India) Ltd (BECIL) has been entrusted to implement the plan scheme “Strengthening of EMMC” on turnkey basis. A project monitoring committee (PMC) has been constituted to review the progress made in this respect. BECIL has been directed to execute the project within the timelines.

All steps are being taken to fill up vacancies for the posts of monitors and logistic assistants being filled after following due process for engagement of suitable manpower at the earliest.

Out of the allocated and released amount of Rs 25 crore (Rs 2,500 lakh), EMMC had spent Rs 2475.47 lakh during the financial year 2014-2015.

The committee noted that the plan scheme of strengthening EMMC had been sanctioned with a total allocation of Rs 90 crore in the 12th Plan with the objective of protecting citizens from broadcast of undesirable content.

Under this plan scheme, it is proposed to enhance the monitoring facility for content from the existing 300 TV channels to 1500 TV channels in a phased manner. Out of the revised estimates allocation of Rs 25 crore for 2014-15, an amount of Rs 18.85 crore had been spent by the ministry.

The committee said it had been given to understand that at present there are 836 permitted TV channels which are under the surveillance of the monitoring centre. During the period from 1 January 2014 to 30 March 2015, a total number of 36 TV channels were found to be violating the content guidelines and the ministry had issued advisory / warnings to them.