| 27 Jul 2024
Four different networks rule the four metros in the country

MUMBAI: In Mumbai, Big FM held the top spot for the second week in a row, with a market share of 19.2 per cent, TSL of 6.17 and TARP of 1.3 per cent, as per the RAM statistics for week 39. Fever FM in Delhi dominated the 39th week as well, with a market share of 19.4 per cent. In Kolkata, Radio Mirchi was unaffected and maintained its top spot, while in Bengaluru, Radio City retained first place as well.

In Mumbai, the second position was held by Radio City with a market share of 16.9 per cent, TSL of 5.14 and TARP of 1.1 per cent. Fever FM came in next with a market share of 15.3 per cent, TSL of 6.45 and TARP of one per cent. In fourth place was Radio Mirchi with market share of 12.8 per cent and TSL of 3.59. Red FM reported a market share of 10.7 per cent and TSL of 4.02.

In the capital, Radio Mirchi took second spot, registering a market share of 14.5 per cent, TSL 3.41 and TARP of 1.1 per cent. The third position was held by Radio City with a market share of 12.7 per cent, TSL of 3.54 and TARP of 0.9 per cent. Big FM was fourth with a market share of 12.5 per cent and TSL of 3.47, while Red FM came in fifth, reporting a market share of 10.3 per cent and TSL of 3.05.

In Kolkata, following Radio Mirchi, which retained the top spot with a market share of 20.2 per cent, TSL of 4.32 and TARP of 1.7 per cent, was Big FM with a market share of 14.6 per cent and TSL of 4.48. In third position was Fever FM with a market share of 13.2 per cent and TSL of 4.52, while Oye FM took fourth place with a market share of 10.7 per cent and TSL of 3.59.

Radio City placed first in Bengaluru, registering a market share of 22.5 per cent, TSL of 9.52 and TARP of 2.7 per cent. In second spot was Big FM with a market share of 20.8 per cent, TSL of 8.17 and TARP of 2.5 per cent. Radio Mirchi came in third with a market share of 17.2, TSL of 7.52 and TARP of 2.1 per cent, while Fever FM took fourth position with market share of 13.8 per cent, and was followed by Red FM.