| 06 Oct 2024
Big FM widens lead in B'lore, Mirchi in Kolkata

MUMBAI: Week 14 of 2010 turned out a mite more interesting than previous weeks,with players like Red FM inching up slightly in Delhi and Mumbai.

Akashwani Mumbai climbed up 0.6 points, nudging Meow behind. In Kolkata, Aamar is now fairly fighting for the third spot, just behind Friends FM. And Fever kept up the pressure on Mirchi at third position in Bangalore, even as Radio One made a valiant attempt to get into the top five in Bangalore, and failed.

Big climbed 0.2 points during the week to end at a stronger leader position with 19.5 per cent share of the market. Mirchi slipped 0.3 points but maintained second spot with 17.5 per cent share. Fever came in third with a share of 15.3 per cent, while Radio City had to be content with fourth spot at 12.4 per cent share of the market.

Delhi: In the capital, all the top three stations lost share in week 14. Mirchi that lost the most (0.5 points) nevertheless took home a 24.2 per cent share of the market, followed by Fever that lost 0.2 points and had 18.6 per cent share. AIR FM Gold that stayed at number three had a 17.5 per cent share of the market. Radio One has been climbing slowly but steadily in Delhi, climbing 0.5 points this week to end with a share of six per cent, just behind Big FM that had a share of seven per cent of the market.

Mirchi upped 0.2 points and stayed at number one with a share of 20.9 per cent. Both Big FM and Friends lost 0.3 and 0.5 points respectively, but retained their positions with shares of 17.4 and 11.4 per cent respectively. Aamar came in a close fourth climbing 0.2 points during the week and ending with a share of 11 per cent.

Mumbai: Mirchi stayed unchanged during week 14 with a share of 17.3 per cent, while Red FM made a valiant bid to gain its lost glory by climbing 0.5 points during the week and ending with a share of 14.7 per cent. Radio City lost 0.1 points and came in third with a share of 13.6 per cent.

Click here for the detailed RAM data for week 14 - '10